Friday, November 21, 2008

Dad's Old Photos


In the process of writing my "novel," (shhhhh) I was researching my dad's activities in WWII and remembered a website I'd found a couple of years ago that listed missions his squadron flew out of Ceylon in 1942-1943. I found his name in transcriptions from official documents and cross-checked the dates with his pilot's logbook, which I still have. It was a strange experience, surreal.

Dad, like most of the veterans of that war, never talked about his experiences. I knew he was stationed in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka,) and I knew he flew bombers, but that's all.

I contacted the person who owns the website and who transcribed the records, to thank him and let him know that his work is useful, and he wrote back, sending me some photos of two of the very planes (Liberators - bombers) that Dad had piloted.

I sent this fellow, Robert, some photos I had, and he has now posted them in his site.

I am rather thrilled!

Check it out:

Here is the link from the 160 Squadron page:

Of course, this has been a diversion from my task, the writing of the "novel." I should not be researching (not for this kind of novel writing) or scanning old photographs, or, for that matter, wasting precious words here in this blog. "No words that don't count!" ought to be my slogan.

Another side-effect of having taken on this challenge is that two of my online friends have joined me: Stef from England and Suzi from New York. We have been cheering each other on, and I am most grateful for that.

You can visit their blogs: ca ne fait rien and Promiscuous Prose

I shall offer a book report later, on my "novel." For now, however -




BG Dodson said...


I have always loved those old war photos with the crews posing in front of the planes. truly iconic of the and technology.

Thanks for the interlude.

Now - back to the grind. 5000 words before breakfast ;)

ca ne fait rien said...

Oh Wow- that is just so exciting, and I really need to read it all. You know how that is what I live and breathe most of the time. But but but you know more than most that it is not the setting out, and it is not reaching the destination whic is the most valuable part of the journey, it is the parts where you wander off the track, get lost, chip fossils out of cliff faces and find centipedes in hollow tress that count.

mystysaint said...

:) I'm still cheering you on.

This has been so much fun (and good) for me. I now have ideas for two books that I may even try to publish; and I have much of the footwork done in this very very rough draft of a novella I managed to write this month.

It is a little scary once it is finished, though....

You're almost there! :) When you finish - treat yourself to something, and give those typing fingers a nice stretch... :D

I'm not writing anything else until Monday (at least)

Anonymous said...

Heya! No pictures but I'm sure they were great lol.

It says you haven't been here for a month. I'm hoping you're still stopping by from time to time though. I'd love to know how you made your posts go old to new, top to bottom. I've looked all over the customize thing so I must be missing it.

Oh yeah! That was very interesting about the outdoors school.

Hope you're doing well.
