Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ezra Pound in Venice V


The information I had: "He returned to Venice in 1958 and lived finally on Calle Querini, one street off the Guidecca Canal on the Rio della Fornace. There is a plaque identifying the house. He shared this house with Olga Rudge who was its owner."
(source: - the only source I could find about Pound's or Rudge's domiciles in Venice)

With the maps I had, none of which had much of an index, I found a Calle Querini, but no Rio della Fornace, and no plaque. (There were a couple of missing plaques, however.) I took photos of everything anyway. Now at home, with the help of Google maps, I have found the Rio della Fornace and another Calle Querini.

This home, like his others, is in the Dorsoduro district, across the Grand Canal from the central part of town, not far from the Academia Bridge. I may well have passed by it, as I traipsed all over the area, but did not recognise it.

I guess I'll just have to go back.

These photos are of the wrong Calle Querini, the wrong missing plaque, and me, searching.


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