Monday, July 19, 2010

A Quick Catch-up


July 19, 2010

I’m getting behind. Each evening I load photos onto my laptop from my camera, sort through and edit them, choose some representative shots for public viewing, then upload them either into a slideshow or Picasa and notify family. It’s time-consuming, and by the time I’m done I don’t have the energy to write. I may need to alternate between the photo thing and writing, in order to accomplish both. I’ll get it sorted out.

We take the train tomorrow to Colmar, Alsace, France. The first part of the journey is about 6 or 7 hours to Basel, Switzerland, and if my battery holds out, I’ll put in print some of the deeper impressions Berlin and Germany has made on me. Meanwhile, as much for jogging my own memory as anything else, here is what we’ve been up to the past few days:

July 15 - visit to the Bastei Bridge, Saechische-Schweiz, then hiking near Rosenberg
July 16 - return to Berlin via Dresden, highlighted by a visit to the Frauenkirche
July 17 - Deutsche National Museum, Jewish Memorial and Information Centre
July 18 - 2:00 dinner with Agnes and Jochim (Katharina’s parents), walk in the Botanical Gardens, especially through a maze of fascinating greenhouses

I have been posting photos at Picasa. It's yet another Google app which is supposed to be easy to synch with Blogger, so I'll have to figure that out. Meanwhile, here's the link (hope it works):



Lisa Nickerson said...

Good to hear from you ... looking forward to the "deeper impressions."

All is well here -- involved in an estate sale at a Pre-Revolutionary War home. It is said they lit lanterns in the windows on the south side to notify the townspeople discussions were being held (if I'm repeating myself sorry). I have uncovered a document from 1767 to the colonist from King George. -- his seal and stamp on it too! Other wonderful discoveries.

Miss our chats! Be well xo

ap said...

what? you can't handle a little travel and writing? i still expect you to hit the gym 4x a week and put on a show every night on top of everything!